Automating Redundant Tasks

Automating Redundant Tasks

As technology continues to advance automating has increasingly become a more common, widespread practice in all disciplines and industries to increase productivity, efficiency, and quality. The definition states that “Automation is the creation of technology to monitor and control a…

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Variable Refrigerant Flow (VRF) Systems

Variable Refrigerant Flow (VRF) Systems

VARIABLE REFRIGERANT FLOW SYSTEMS Summary A Variable Refrigerant Flow (VRF) heating and air conditioning system is a specific type of HVAC system which utilizes one outdoor unit that connects to multiple indoor units.  These indoor units can be single systems;…

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Being an Intern

Being an Intern

An internship is beneficial in so many ways. My experience at R&W as an intern has given me direction and insight into the engineering field as well as provided me with valuable workplace experience. Before starting college I had no…

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Remote Troubleshooting / Monitoring SCADA

Remote Troubleshooting / Monitoring SCADA

Unless you had a nearly unlimited budget, your list of options regarding remote monitoring used to be quite slim. Since the invention of the internet, a world of possibilities has been opened and now that this technology is readily available…

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A Lesson in CFD

A Lesson in CFD

There are certain moments in life when you see something and it just speaks to you. The first time I saw Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) in action, was one such time. I was watching a television show on Boeing Aircraft…

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Low Hanging Fruit Energy Upgrades

Low Hanging Fruit Energy Upgrades

Would you rather walk 1 mile to get $100 or 100 miles to get $1? Except for an extreme walker, this question is a no-brainer. Just as water flows downhill and as nature abhors a vacuum, we all naturally take…

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